Adults With ADD
One of the most significant theories on A.D.D. has come from author
Thom Harttmann. He proposed that, over thousands and thousands of
years, humanity has evolved into two basic types of people in order to
survive: hunters and farmers.
Someone with a farmer's temperament can get up and do the same tasks
consistently day-in and day-out. Most educational institutions were
designed by farmer-types and reward people with this temperament.
Hunters, on the other hand, provided for the tribe by going on the
hunt. Instead of a consistent day-to-day lifestyle, they were required
to be both hyper-focused and hyper-sensitive in order to successfully
bring food back to the tribe. They were also required to be highly
creative in order to out-smart their game.
People with a hunter's temperament thrive on a highly
stimulating work environment, and tend to move towards
occupations that are creative in nature. Some ideal occupations for
hunters are: musicians, entrepreneurs, sales people, etc...
In our modern-day society, people with a hunter's temperament can
suffer immensely if they try to make themselves fit into systems and
expectations designed by farmers.
Sadly, if a child with A.D.D. (a hunter) is not supported and
encouraged for their way of being, they can grow up with an extremely
low sense of self-esteem. This can often lead to addictive behaviors,
which are common for people with A.D.D. These addictions
become coping mechanisms for their inability to focus without a certain
level of stimulation.

For both children and adults, awareness and understanding are the first
For starters, people with A.D.D. require a different kind of
diet than other people, in order to be most effective.
Expanding on the idea that A.D.D. people are hunters, a high-protein
diet is ideal. This protein can be derived as easily from vegetable
sources, as from animal protein.
People with A.D.D. also tend to be more sensitive to artificial
ingredients and preservatives. A diet consisting of mostly
organic/natural foods is ideal.
Exercise is also essential for someone with
A.D.D.. Going back to the hunter model -- "the hunt" required short
bursts of rigorous exercise. Running a few times a week, or highly
active sports activities, can greatly support clarity of thought and
overall well-being. Although this is true for just about everyone,
these are virtually essential for someone with A.D.D.
How do I learn more?
First off, I would suggest reading up on A.D.D.. Because there is
such a broad spectrum of opinions on A.D.D., it is advised to move
towards those that stress diet and lifestyle management, over
the use of pharmaceuticals. Many drugs given for A.D.D. can have
life-long detrimental effects -- effecting both brain chemistry and
liver functioning.
I've also listed a number of very informative websites. There you will find both
useful information and online support groups.
For adults with A.D.D., a life coach can make a huge difference. A
good life coach can create the stability and support needed to really
thrive with A.D.D..