Spiritual Writer, Spiritual Writers -- Spiritual Author -- Spiritual Authors -- Metaphysical Writer -- Metaphysical AuthorSpiritual Author -- Spiritual Writer, Spiritual Writers -- Spiritual Authors -- Metaphysical Poetry, Metaphysical poet, Metaphysical Writer -- Metaphysical AuthorPublished by LUMINAIA Press, Copyright 2008, Spiritual Author Spiritual Author -- Spiritual Writer, Spiritual Writers -- Spiritual Authors -- Metaphysical Poetry, Metaphysical poet, Metaphysical Writer -- Metaphysical AuthorGod As Advertised -- Spiritual Author -- Spiritual Writer, Spiritual Writers -- Spiritual Authors -- Metaphysical Poetry, Metaphysical poet, Metaphysical Writer -- Metaphysical Author
Spiritual Author, Spiritual Writer, Visionary Author, Visionary Writer, Spiritual Poetry, Personal Growth, Self Help Secret

God is a subjective experience for each us.

The word "God" can invoke all kinds of feelings and images, depending upon one's belief system and spiritual sojourns.

At the heart of all these poems is the proposition that God/Creator is something intimate to each of us -- we are not, nor could ever be, separate from that which spins the universe into being. From this vantage point, both the mundane and the fantastic are equally infused with the Divine.

Many of these poems reference a kind of spiritual perspective often found in the writings of the "Great mystics" -- from the Sufi mystics of the east like Rumi and Hafiz -- to western mystics such as St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. It's the practice of seeing God as "the Beloved". It's a way of utilizing the fire of romantic love to move into a deeper connection and union with the Divine.

A good book to keep by your bedside, these poems have the ability to remind that wayward traveler in each us which way is Home.

Spiritual Author, Spiritual Writer, Spiritual Writers, Spiritual Authors -- Metaphysical Poetry, Metaphysical poet, Metaphysical Writer -- Metaphysical Author

Michael Joseph Ferguson has been writing poetry for over 15 years. Following a life-changing spiritual awakening in 1995, his path has become a daily attempt to commune with and surrender to that "bigger something" that animates all life.

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